Is Your Face Mask Effectively Protecting You & Others Around You?

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash
ace masks has become a symbol of the war against Covid-19. In the last few months, it’s status has been unoffcially elevated to an ‘essential’ item in our day to day lives. Let’s explore your weapon or shield of choice.
Face masks works by capturing moisture and reducing dispersal of droplets that are dispersed in coughs, sneezes and breath and has been said to be one of the main modes of transmission of Covid-19.
These are some of the more common types of face masks that you see people using currently.
When deciding to mask up, ensure that the mask of your choice performs what the primary function of a mask is for which are:
– Moisture retention (moisture can’t get in or out)
– Reduction of the spread of breath
These simple tests can tell if your mask can protect you and the people around you.
Test #1: Put on the mask & try to blow out a lighter as hard as you can.
The lighter must not be blown out. If it does, the mask can’t protect people around from sneezes and coughs.
Test #2: Pour water to the inner part of your mask and let it hold.
Water should not leak out from the mask. It is supposed to retain moisture especially when a person coughs or sneeze.
Be a responsible citizen and mask up especially if you are sick or showing symptoms of even the mildest cough or flu.
Stay safe and healthy everyone!